In my search for the perfect sauna experience, I joined my local 24 Hour Fitness in Hollywood to sit in the co-ed wet sauna, which admittedly doesn't have nearly the benefits of an Infrared Sauna but at least the hope of the cast of The O.C.
Instead I got something closer to this.

One of them was with a 70 year old hairy man named Boris (ahem, he says his name is Boris but he suspiciously looks like Ernest Borgnine) and another young Latin male with a purple thong who looks like Ricky but talks like Lucy. Was I interrupting something?
One of them has a musty odor that isn't very compelling and the other with a fragrance of Miami Vice. God knows what I smell like.
Wet Sauna, been there and done that, what are my other choices?
I can get my own. How easy is that? Sunlight Saunas makes a Home Sauna Kit it that snaps together with magnets, taking under 30 minutes to get up and going. Simple right? Especially if you don't even know how to use a screwdriver, like me. I also don't know how to use magnets either, so the guys from MANCAVE had to help me out, as you will see in this video here.
One of them hit on me and won't stop texting me about Ron Paul. Please stop.
The problem I found with this, however, is I don't have a the space that size in my apartment to allow for it. I can't find a place to put my car keys much less a full blown installation of an Infrared Sauna that looks like it can double as a Time Machine. I could see something like these in bigger homes, or maybe it would work perfect at my grandmother's large condo in Westwood, but for us single unit dwellers, I don't think it will do.
What I found next changed my life and inspired this blog. It's called the Solo System and no I'm not resorting to masturbation now. Well maybe sometimes, but this is something different entirely. The Solo System is very small, both in price and in size. I rolled it out on my living room floor and wiggled inside. I am now a burrito. It's usually the other way around so this is a nice change.
Talk about slack! Now I can lie down in my living room in front of my TV and watch Sex in the City and burn all the calories I need. Once again, I have beat the system. This is also from Sunlight Saunas so you should probably check out their website and I should probably charge them big bucks for all this great promo.
Same Sex in the Sauna?
I found this show called 'Gizmo's and Gadgets' which gives a demo of the Solo System product. I hope these two male hosts in this video are dating now because they seem just as eager to get married and challenge state law as they are get a Solo System. Are they for real? Don't they know it's not professional to mix a product demo with sexual innuendo? Dueling Hot Dogs is gay humor. I rest my case.
haha, def gay.
fo sho gay
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