A few months back I was working on an article for a health magazine. I came across a web posting that gave me a friggin' EUREKA bigger than any thrill gained by an Olympic athlete. It was an article on the benefits of sweating done by a fella named Dr. Ernst Krebs, a Biochemist from Germany. He noted that marathon runners don't develop cancers in his studies and suggested that because they sweat out the toxins daily that cause it.
Seriously, no sh*t. Link
This began a flurry of web searches on the matter, and it turns out that sweating hands down is one of the easiest ways the body can detoxify and clean itself.
When we sweat, our hearts race and blood flows, even if we are just sitting still in a sauna.
I hate going to the gym much less jogging, and for years was hoping that my sex life would double as my work out. Like most women in Los Angeles, I still like looking good and exploiting my good looks for maximum manipulation on the cute but dumb male actors in town. When it comes to actually doing something about it and going to the gym, I really can't be bothered to lift a finger, I much prefer my inner thighs.
Lately, however, lifting my thighs is becoming too much of a struggle, which brings me to my point.
Can I maintain health, potentially prevent nasty things like cancers, burn fat, and maintain my slack and disdain of the athletic experience? I mean, why bother to run like a marathon athlete when I can sit down for 30 minutes a day in a sauna?
Seriously, just sitting there, sweating like a scene from Flashdance without having to darn the garb and go to the spin class can greatly assist with following.
1.) Weight Loss. Sitting in an Infrared Sauna for 30 minutes can burn up to 600 calories. Just by sitting there!
2.) Improves circulation and metabolism, dramatically. Again, let me stress, we can achieve this high yielding athletic state by simply sitting down for thirty minutes.
3.) Skin Purification. i.e. improves your skin's appearance. I could use some help with this one! I actually notice it takes away from my puffy eyes too, but I can't find any documentation on that one.
4.) Therapeutic Agent. Many athletes are turning to a Sauna sitting as a way to relieve pain from all of their foolish and utterly ridiculous training schedule. Me, I get sore just from returning home at 2 in the morning from my Monday Night Hollywood Social. Either way, both experience and studies are showing that this type of treatment literally stimulates the body's natural healing, affecting everybody from athletes to arthritis suffers to even those with fibromyalgia.
Now the key to these benefits, however, is an ‘INFRARED’ sauna, which is distinguished from a sloppy wet sauna which is found at my 24 Hour Fitness in Hollywood.
According to the official Infrared Sauna Wiki, Dr. Sherry Rogers, a fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and a diplomat of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, says in her book ''Detoxify or Die'' that an infrared sauna is the only way of removing man-made toxins from your body.
Here is a quick run down of an Infrared Sauna at a Technology Expo via Youtube. Check it out at least to see Martin talk about the topic. Pant pant pant...
ha- ha, I love it shauna, good work here, very informative and clever.
shauna, you are a naught girl - thanks for the info!
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